Aho Mitakuye Oyasin (We are All Related)


Ancestors of the past:

Mothers, Fathers,

Family, Friends,

Teachers, kind companions,

Honor to you;

We exist because of your forbearance;

We are here because of your hope;

We carry forth in your intention,

Thank you Ancient Ones.


Rocks that make up this earth:

Honor to you;

We exist because of your subsistence.

We are here because of your substance.

We carry forth on your ground.

Thank you Ancient Ones.


Stars that make up the sky:

Honor to you;

We exist because of your eminence.

We are here because of your radiance.

We carry forth in your light.

Thank you Ancient Ones.


We recognize our interdependence with the ancient ones;

Our existence is dependent on theirs;

Our body and spirit come forth from these ancestors;

Our children are your children.

Thank you to all our relations,

We are all related:

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin